
7 The Type Of Guy Who Dislikes Chick

Photos: 9 The Type Of Guy Who Dislikes Chick
Go To Girl - A lot of guys say girls it's definitely liked guy handsome, rich, smart, let alone direct a revival of religion is good for sure but this chick does not like the 9 reasons guys like below:

1. Giving false hope

Giver of false expectations, type of guy like that most hated the same chick. Why? Because of the type of guy that like this is what makes girls want from its peak. type of guy like that is the type of guy who likes to give hope seems interested in the same Chick, but it turns out the guy was just playing around the course without giving a clear reality.

2. Coquette

Well this one guy, you've obviously had a boyfriend still just glanced at the other girls. How do girls want interested? Anyway, eyes guy two but really wild everywhere, right so numb.

3. Sok sell expensive

Type of guy this one, most of the time the girl was already starting to feel comfortable and begin to hope, she started so no care at the girls. Stay cool be, but not to make the chick feel because felt demeaned. So, Stop selling expensive.

4. Do not know Ethics

Ethics is good manners, how to be a good one. Guy his different from guys that are not ethical, if this guy usually screaming no matter his performance will aka disheveled, but when guys are not ethical, it is his attitude that does not reflect well on her.

5. The Selfish

The selfish sense here is not unusual. Reasonable only if in the relationship of girls or guys equally selfish. But here is a selfish level gods, where guys just want to be kept his/her preferences, just listen to his opinion without regard for others.

6. Rude

create a rough bloke, okay but pretty just the same friends' boys don't try to girls because of girls that most don't like the same guy. the chick that will yield the same tenderness is not the same ruggedness. So handsome and nice guy made that match so prospective priests do not rough-rough well.

7. The smell of

Well, make a guy a guy who feels the same problematic body odor.
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